
Natural Approaches To Healing With Alternative Medicines

Bionetic Feedback & Accupoint Stress Testing

What is healing?                  What is a "cure"?

Because stress is the foundational cause of modern day illness, the healing process requires the restoration of balance and a sense of well-being.

Healing occurs when there is a cessation of suffering in the patient. It is preceded by a sense of letting go or surrendering. Most often health is restored on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Many books have been written about the elimination of stress and the healing process, but balancing the stress ultimately manifests as healing, which is unique for each individual.

 The word cure from the Latin cura, or care or concern, specifically suggests the elimination of disease or distress. A homeopathic cure (termed by Dr. Hahnemann) was the elimination of the presenting symptoms - a sign that the body had finally resolved its attempt at healing itself. By using modern stress assessment techniques, a practitioner may be confident that the scientific measurements aid him/her to define a path towards better health and balance for the patient. However, confidence in complete healing is the personal domain of the patient; it is the singular right of the patient alone to determine if the word cure applies.

 CAVEAT: neither the biofeedback tests, nor stress reduction recommendations, are intended to treat, prevent, or cure any disease. If you don't understand why the U.S. government would insist on such disclaimers, or why the U.S. government is clearly in favor of expensive drugs and specialists --- just note the profound wealth and influence of the pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Cohen is not allowed to claim that you will be cured, so it's a good thing he CAN state categorically that many of his patients do make that claim on his behalf.



 While the BodyScan test cannot be used as a diagnostic test, it is a valuable tool for detecting imbalances and assessing stress in the body's energy system using Galvanic Skin Response and a unique electrodynamic data analysis.

In this manner, psycho-physiological information is obtained painlessly without risk; the practitioner and the patient are able to explore the human body and its stress patterns and relationships without surgery or x-ray. Additionally, the BodyScan helps the practitioner develop a unique priority system; a stress map for each of the patients.


DO MY SYMPTOMS MATTER?                    IF NOT, WHY NOT?

 Based on stress, symptoms are regarded as an outward manifestation of imbalances occurring within the body.

 Both Chinese medicine and Bionetics look for the source or origin of the imbalance, not its symptoms. Bionetics offers stress reducing protocols through homeopathic remedies and other means to aid in restoring the body to balance or homeostasis. Bionetics therefore embraces the concepts of both correcting imbalances and preventing future strains on the system by accessing the bio-information stress patterns and seeking out tell-tale signals of imbalance within the body before functional distress actually manifests.


More and more physicians are open to integrative or multi-dimensional approaches to medicine that utilize stress reduction, homeopathic remedies and nutritional recommendations. Be sure to inform your physician of your decision to consult a Bionetic Feedback Practitioner and of your desire to include that person as part of your overall wellness program.



  Dr. Cohen is an acknowledged expert, certified on a broad, rich variety of the most ultra-modern machines and devices at our disposal.  From mineral therapy and BodyScans, to QXRC and more, his fast and pertinent accuracy commands quick respect.



 Although it’s true that natural healing takes time, there can be little argument about one thing: The distinct majority of Dr. Cohen’s patients respond very quickly. Natural substances and techniques work faster and better than the majority of synthetic pharmaceuticals.  Dr. Cohen’s expertise adds even more fuel to the fire of healing faster, obtaining your natural balance faster. The healing path has a common destination, but it can be a superhighway for one person and a jungle trail for another. Healing depends on many factors: length of condition or symptoms, seriousness of condition, and most of all, willingness to follow the recommended protocols. Be assured that even if you don't consciously experience wellness overnight, healing is occurring on many levels. You may notice slight changes in your health after just one visit, or you may begin to notice subtle improvements in your energy as time goes by. The stress points in the body may not have taken years to materialize. If they have begun to present symptoms, it may take longer to regain balance. It usually takes at least one month for every year that the specific symptom has been manifest in the body to feel healthy again.


 WHAT WILL I NEED TO DO IN ORDER TO GET HEALTHY? The recommended therapies may differ for everyone but they will probably include detoxification, nutrition or herbs and other essences or oils may also be recommended. In all cases learning to relax, meditate and to make lifestyle changes reducing stress must become part of your new healthy life. The emphasis on these stress reduction procedures is to eliminate the strains on the body systems and provide awareness for the patient about the subtle and unique changes that are occurring within their body. Because the stress points are different for everyone, the sophisticated equipment is necessary to determine each person's own unique stress recovery plan.

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